Riverside County Office of Education
Independent Candidates - Center for Teacher Innovation
blue, silver, white image


Clear your CA


If your district or agency does not offer an accredited induction program, you can sign up with us! Submit an interest form to receive a link to a recorded video presentation so that you can make an informed decision about your induction experience.

laptop with teacher innovation website displayed and a group videocall in sessionSubmit an interest form today!

Our Online Program Offers a Pathway to Credentialing

CTI offers a fully online, job-embedded professional teacher induction program that helps employed teachers clear a California Preliminary General Education credential and/or

Education Specialist teacher credential.

CTI is a commission-approved Induction Program, available through an innovative online structure that offers teachers a unique, flexible, and shared learning experience through self-reflection and relevant problem solving. Our cutting-edge online induction program prepares educators to facilitate learning in student-centered 21st Century classrooms. Teachers engage in job-embedded cycles of inquiry driven by the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. Designed by Leading Edge Certified© facilitators and supported by high impact Reflective Coaches, Online Induction is the perfect option for teachers who are looking for a personalized, self-directed, technology rich path to a California Clear Credential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please view the  induction eligibility criteria found on the Credential Services page.

•General Education – Multiple or Single Subject

•Education Specialist – Mild-Moderate, Moderate-Severe, Visually Impaired, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, or Early Childhood

Program eligibility is aligned with your experience. We offer:

•A two-year induction program for educators with a California Preliminary teaching credential, as a first-year teacher.

•A one-year transfer program for educators who have completed one year of an accredited CA induction program and need to complete a second year. Transfer documents are required you’re your previous induction program.

•A one-year program for experienced and exceptional teachers, known as the Early Completion Option (ECO).

The Early Completion Option (ECO) can allow you the opportunity to complete CTI’s Teacher Induction Online Program in one year instead of two years. 

You must have at least one full year of K-12 teaching experience within the last two years and your teaching experience must have been “at an exemplary level.”

You can provide verification of exemplarily teaching practice in one of two ways.  

Option 1 –  An annual performance evaluation verifying exemplary teaching practice that took place within the last two years.


Option 2 –  A letter from your site administrator that includes the following components: (a) verification that you have worked as a teacher for a full year – within the last two years – at their site, (b) a statement that you’ve exhibited exemplary teaching practice during that time, and (c) the recommendation that you complete CTI’s Teacher Induction Online Program in one year, instead of two years.

To further support you, we partner with several universities to provide you with opportunity to purchase professional development units that may facilitate an increase your income with your employing agency. As an added benefit, we also partner with several fully online and face-to-face universities to allow you to apply for induction completion to Master’s degree units. If you are interested in either of these options, please let me know.

Unlike other programs, you can sign up for CTI’s Teacher Induction Program throughout the year. Our program offers two enrollment periods to prospective candidates to provide high-quality mentoring support to new teachers.

    • Fall induction is aligned to academic calendars for teaching assignments that start during the traditional academic year. The fall induction enrollment period is between March 1 and the third Friday in October every program year.


    • Midyear induction begins in winter and is intended for new teachers that are late-hires to their agencies and need to be connected with a mentor as soon as possible for success in their teaching assignment. It is also available for teachers whose preliminary teaching credentials will soon expire, or those who could not start their induction journey sooner for a variety of reasons. The midyear induction enrollment period is between November 1 and the third Friday in February every program year.

The traditional two-year track fee is $4,000 per year and the one-year Early Completion Option (ECO) track fee is $4,500 total. The fee covers a Reflective Coach whom we provide and will be matched to you by the content, and grade level you teach.

After you submit an application and are determined to be eligible for induction by the CTI enrollment team, you will be emailed a link to pay a $125 non-refundable deposit that must be submitted within 3 business days. The deposit amount will be subtracted from your remaining balance. Following the receipt of the deposit, you will be emailed a payment plan document that must returned within 7 business days. The payment plan will allow you to select from several payment options such as enrolling in monthly withdrawals, paying up front, or securing a loan with SchoolsFirst FCU.

After your completed plan is received, members of the enrollment team will reach out to you with all of the information you need to get started including a program orientation meeting date, instructions for logging into CTI Navigate (the learning management system you will use during the program), and an introduction to your Reflective Coach!

The Center for Teacher Innovation is now accepting applications for enrollment into the Teacher Induction Online Program. If you would like to participate, submit your application as soon as possible because enrollment is filling up quickly. To begin the enrollment process, complete the application. Once you submit it, CTI team members will assist and support you in finalizing your enrollment so that you can begin your induction journey!

Laptop with Pathway to a Destination

Benefits of Online Induction


Our online induction program allows for you to clear your CA preliminary from anywhere in the world!


Candidates will design their own Induction path from over 40 focused cycles of inquiry​


Teacher induction is aligned to the six CSTPs and a candidate’s daily unique classroom needs. ​

Reflective Coach

Cutting edge mentoring connecting candidates and mentors in a virtual platform for weekly support.

21st Century Learning

Increased capacity of 21st Century student centered pedagogy.

Increased Student Achievement

Deeper understanding of content knowledge and application of instructional strategies to facilitate student learning.

When it comes to supporting our candidates, see what our coaches have to say!

“I find all of the Coach Connections to be helpful. 

The information is prescient and helps to make me 

a better coach.” 

- Marisa, Plumas USD Distance Coach

“The structure of the program and accessing the resources is so easy. The online Coach Connections are valuable and focus on the coach and candidate relationship.”

- Emily, CTI Independent Online Coach

What do our candidates say?

“It was highly engaging to be self-directed based on my own practice and areas of my interest.”


- Andreana, Mono COE Distance Candidate

“Thank you for creating this program! It was perfect for my situation. I live far away from any university, so it was easy for me to participate from a distance. I am so excited to clear my preliminary credential, and my coach was a wonderful mentor to me.”


- Elaine, CTI Independent Candidate