Riverside County Office of Education
Our Mission and Vision Mission - Center for Teacher Innovation

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide high-quality preparation and clear credential pathways driven by our values of excellence and innovation.

What we do

CTI offers a supportive induction program, accredited by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), for new teachers pursuing a CA clear credential.

Why We do it

We want all students to experience effective teachers who elevate student achievement and experience high levels of job satisfaction.

How we do it

We empower candidates with an individualized, job-embedded, personalized induction experience facilitated by encouraging CTI staff, monitored by data-driven processes, and supported by highly-trained reflective coaches.

Our vision

We are committed to developing effective educators who create supportive learning environments and promote success for all students.


Respect and Collaboration

Excellence and Innovation

Lifelong Learning and Continuous Growth

Well-being and Success for ALL